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Showing posts from 2013

Applying Form Based Codes-It Could Have Been Better

 This famous Bread Company is located on a major roadway in St. Petersburg, Florida.  It’s close to mid-day.  Can you tell if it’s open for business? This structure meets most of the parameters for situation according to Form Based Codes:  It addresses the street with the front of the building pushed as close as possible to roadway, still allowing for a sidewalk in front; Parking is located at the rear and is accessed by an alley on the corner and by a small drive/roadway along the rear.  The building façade includes windows along the front, so there is no bare wall. But it looks lifeless.   At the driveway / alley looking across the front. At the driveway /alley, looking the other way. It looks forced and pretentious. Notice the backflow preventers out front. At the front… At the front…apparently no signs allowed. Not even way-finding.  Below is a view across the street, with more of the same...  Sunken Gardens...